Bilateral Myringotomy and Tube Placement
The risk of the surgery is that there is a 1 in 500 chance that there may be a permanent hole in the eardrum once the tube has extruded (fallen out).
The regular tympanostomy tubes that we use last an average of 4-6 months. They can be in place for as little as 2 months or over 1 year, however the average as noted is 4-6 months.
After the tubes are in place, it is suggested that water be kept out of the ears. There are several scientific studies which suggest that water precautions are perhaps not necessary; however, in theory, water in the ear canal can migrate behind the ear drum and cause infections and discharge.
What to Expect Following Surgery:
There may be a very small amount of drainage consisting of either a yellow or blood-tinged liquid 24-48 hours after surgery. After that the drainage should cease. If you are still experiencing drainage, please contact our office or your family doctor as soon as possible.
There should be no significant pain.
You should be able to fly comfortably as long as the tubes remain unplugged.
There are no limitations to school activities other than water precautions.
After the tubes have been inserted, a child should be reviewed by their family doctor to check the status of the tubes every 2-3 months.